Verticle Platform Lift

Products > Verticle Platform Lift


CPL 400P Portable 750 Lbs

Portable Package is the perfect solution for those that want the versatility and convenience to use a lift when and where they need it. A great solution for schools, theaters and churches. Works with…

EPL Enclosed CPL 750 lbs

This self-contained Enclosed Platform is built to exacting VPL standards with powder coated steel enclosure panels, providing vertical access indoors or out, with up to a 14’ rise…

CPL Commercial & Residential VPL 750

The CPL series provides higher lifting capabilities to cover more levels or raised buildings. Even with increased height, CPL is engineered for fast installation, easy operation, and is virtually…

RPL Residential VPL 600 lbs

Residential Vertical Platform Lift (RPL) is a safe, smooth and economical solution to the barriers porches, staircases, decks and other elevation changes can create in and around a home…

TG 400 Toe Guard CPL 750 lbs

Free-standing Toe guard VPL with stationary lower landing walls and gate shields the lift inside. As a self-contained unit, Toe Guard requires minimal construction and is ADA compliant without…


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